Friday, April 16, 2010

Grayson at 6 Months and Other News

I am crazy busy lately, but I have found a few minutes to update the blog. Grayson had his 6 month Pediatrician Appointment yesterday. Along with 3 shots and an oral vaccine, we got a great report. He is healthy as can be! 28 inches long and 24 pounds. He now has two teeth on the bottom, one on top, and another on top that is almost through. This is making for a very whiny evening tonight. However, I did invest in a vibrating teether, and he thoroughly enjoys it. He got into a sitting position FROM laying on his stomach today. Very random, but I saw it with my own eyes. He is still scooting/crawling to get where he needs to go. Still no “Mama”…but a WHOLE lotta “Dada'”. Oh well… he does love his Dada. He FREAKS out when he sees Jay. It is the funniest thing! Here are his official 6 month portraits.




Josh came through on his way to Maryland last week and I got a few shots of him too. Here is my favorite. He hates it because he is smiling.


Annnd he got to see his nephew for the second time ever. Grayson adored him! It was so sweet, because Grayson isn’t a fan of “strangers” lately.



Also, we just found out that we will have Madraye and Halle for a good part of the summer! Yes, that means that everything in that “area” has turned out wonderfully in our favor as we knew it would. Finally, we can put all that drama behind us.

I will try to stay up on my blog over the next couple of months. I am insanely busy for a while… I guess that’s good! Ciao!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Moving Update

Moving day is May 1st! We found an amazing condo on SSI. It is within walking/biking distance of everything and it overlooks the marsh. It is absolutely perfect. We got a fantastic deal on it too. We will be moving very soon! Yipee!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Grayson’s First Easter

It is Tuesday. That means it’s house cleaning day at the Hightower Home. It is 10:00 a.m. and I have officially swept, mopped, cleaned the bathroom, cleaned the kitchen, lysol-ed and wiped all surfaces, started the laundry, whipped up some home made carrot baby food and put the munchkin down for a nap. Good thing I am done with all that, because now it’s time to work with Amy on some editing and web updates for the remainder of the day.

Easter was WONDERFUL. Seriously, it was the best Easter I have had in years. We went to my Daddy’s church, which was nice; we then went to Grandma’s house for lunch where we stuffed our faces, hunted eggs and spent lots of quality time as a family. The weather was perfect, everyone’s outfits were adorable and I even managed to snap a few family pictures.

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It was truly a fabulous day!

In other news, we are hoping to be moving to St. Simons sooner than later. One of my dear friends has offered to watch Grayson during the day while I work (2 days/week), which was our biggest hurdle. Now, we just have to find a place and scrounge up moving money and GO! We are looking at a couple different condos right now. Hopefully, we will have it all figured out in the next few weeks. Most of you know that we both work in Brunswick and my car can’t be driven out of town anymore, so we are ready to move back down there and not have the commute anymore. Island living is LIFE-FOR-ME! *sung Green Acres theme style*

Jay has less than a month left of school this semester and then he will be off for the summer, as they aren’t offering any of the classes he needs. It’s not so bad, more family time! He is doing a GREAT job and still making Bs and higher. So proud of him!

Josh just got orders to PAX River Naval Air Station in Maryland, so he is en-route there this week. He is very excited to be within driving distance of family. He is hoping to take some leave in May.

That’s all for now!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

High of 86

So far, this week has been so fabulous. The weather is amazing as Spring has finally made its grand entrance. Grayson will get up on all fours and rock, then resort to his normal “inch-worming”. Every day he seems more and more interested, alert and INVOLVED. I love it. Sometimes I really consider not having any more kids and just giving him all my attention. Maybe that’s unrealistic. Oh well, I have time to decide.

Easter is on Sunday! I am so excited to eat at Grandmama’s house and have some boiled eggs to munch on! I also can’t WAIT to see G in his little outfit.

Amy and I (and our munchkins) are headed to the pool today to play… The high will be 86!

Here are some photos that my good buddy Amy took for me yesterday…




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