Thursday, October 7, 2010

Miscellaneous Happenings

It is 46 degrees on St. Simons this morning and I must say, it is WELCOME! My windows are open and my pumpkin candle is burning. I should really try and blog more often so that my "reports" aren't so LONG... Oh well. Here is the latest:

Last weekend, Grayson had his FIRST birthday party- and it was great! We had sweet babies, toddlers, kids and grownups. He got lots of cool toys too! Of course I had a photographer there, so here are my favorite pictures from the event, taken my my good friend Amy Grages...

He actually turned 1 on Tuesday! Time flies, but I have to say I love toddlerhood! He is so much fun.

We have been busy with visits from friends and family (My mom has come twice in a month, thanks to Amtrak!), work, and all the other random events that come up. However, I LIKE busy! Busy is good, as long as you find margin.

As most of you know, we live in an apartment on the back of a house. Well, we got a great blessing this week, as the guy who was living in the house moved out and my landlord offered the house to me and Grayson at a HUGE discount, so that I could afford it. Of course, I accepted! We will start moving over there this week. Same address and everything, but much bigger for us and Grayson will have his own room. I am thrilled.

Sunday, I started the application process of going on a mission trip to Haiti in April. This is something that I have passionately aspired to do for some time, and I finally may have an opportunity. It is still up in the air, as applications must be reviewed etc., but I am praying to be accepted for the trip. I look forward to a life changing experience, and the ultimate chance to help.

I still love my job, and I learn more about photography every day. It also allows me so much time with Grayson, I feel very thankful daily.

In another blog, I think I will elaborate a little on a class I am taking at my church called "Effective Parenting in a Defective World". So far, it has been great. It's also nice to meet other parents in the community.

I will sign off with the best test shot... Ever.

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