By the way, I only have about 11 hours left until I reach the 48 hour mark on my Eggplant Labor Induction. My conclusion is that the eggplant definitely causes contractions, but that doesn't necessarily mean labor for all of us. Still, it was a fun test!
This human gestation time is a little ridiculous, but I guess I should be thankful I am not an Elephant. (Although, some may argue that fact.) I slept for a few hours at a time last night, on our HORRIBLE mattress that feels like it's breaking all your bones while you sleep. I got up for the final time at about 8am, angry. I tackled the chore of getting OUT of bed...5 minutes... waddled and stumbled to the bathroom...sat on the toilet and came face to face with a centipede on the wall that was headed straight for me. I was SO tired and it would have taken SO long for me to get up, that I just sat there. Fearless. This is what it looks like, if you haven't seen one:

Needless to say, I murdered him. After that, I put on my "daytime pajamas" and headed to the kitchen for breakfast. Breakfast is now complete and I now plan on boycotting my usual "A Baby Story" episode, in an effort to forget that I am pregnant- so that I will magically go into labor in surprise! Like: "Oh my gosh! I totes forgot I was preggo!"
Yeah, Right.
Realistically, I guess today I will find some more housework to do, make a trip to the Post Office, and yep that's about it.
On another subject...
I went Goodwill Shopping for the first time EVER on Friday! This sounds insane if you have never done it, but I can assure you- it was AWESOME. If you have a retail addiction, like me, and you want a way to channel this energy in a way that is cheap, but still fulfilling- GO TO GOODWILL. Try to find one in a ritzy part of town, where the donors would be, umm, "rich". I seriously bought two pairs of 7 (For All Mankind) jeans, and I SAW lots of other $200 jeans that I would never be able to wear, so I didn't buy them. The jeans are like $4 each. There is so much designer wear that still even has tags that this place is selling right along side Walmart jeans for $4! It's insane. THEN- they have baby clothes. Well, if you are a mom, you can imagine that everything is practically new (if not new) because of the short time that they can wear things. I bought Grayson a small wardrobe of baby designer clothes for $1.50 per item. My favorite buy being a pair of brand new cashmere Baby Banana Republic pants valued at above $60. I'm just saying- if you have a couple hours to pick through everything, and you are trying to save some money, or you just feel like shopping and not spending your whole paycheck- you should REALLY check it out. It was AWESOME! Oh- I also got Jay a few designer button-up shirts too (for $4 a piece).
I hope everyone has a wonderful week, and again, I hope I will have a baby at the end of this one. I will blog my 38 week appointment update on Thursday afternoon. Til then...
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