I had my regular blood pressure, weight check and hemoglobin test, plus GBS testing this time, and she did an internal exam. She said that Grayson has dropped ALL the way down, and he couldn't be any more engaged in my pelvis. (No KIDDING.) She said that usually she can still move the head up and down with her fingers at my cervix, and she said his head was "wedged" and wasn't budging! He must be huge if I have dropped, but STILL have a butt in my lungs and killer heartburn. (Isn't that supposed to ease up when you have dropped?!) My cervix is still closed, but is very soft. She said that the "softness" was much more important than dilation at this point, because dilating will come easily if the the cervix is favorable to do so. All the other screenings were normal and fine, and he has a strong heartbeat as usual. Pending the results of the next growth ultrasound (on Tuesday, at the Perinatologist's office) we will begin talks of scheduling a C/Section for 39ish weeks. This will only be if he appears large for dates on the ultrasound. Otherwise, I will be counting down the days, looking for labor signs! He will come when he comes, which will be NO MORE than 3 or 4 weeks. My midwife didn't seem to think I would make it all the way to the C/Section without starting labor anyway. This whole thing may be a little more unpredictable than I had thought! To those of you trying to plan around little Grayson's homecoming: throw away your agenda! It will be a surprise to us all.
All for now, I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday weekend, and I will post again on Tuesday with his....drumroll please...Estimated WEIGHT! :-)
And now, I will conclude with yet another self portrait. Me, today...

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