Happy Fall! It has been a beautiful week here so far. Not a cloud in the sky and temps in the 60s. This morning, it is actually like 50 outside. I LOVE IT! However, I think today I will be finishing up things around the house in preparation for my hospital stay.
Yesterday I had my OB appointment, and FINALLY the weight gain has stopped! All the books say that it will slow down or stop in the last few weeks and I was waiting for this moment...it never came... and then yesterday- STOPPED! HA! So, I officially know how much weight I gained with this pregnancy, and NO I will not be sharing that information.
I saw Dr. S., who I really like. He checked me, and I hadn't made any progress since last week. The baby still seems to be OP or "face out". He palpated my abdomen and definitely confirmed that G is a very large baby. Based on all the information, he suggested that a C-Section would be in the best interest of myself and the baby. He did not recommend a "trial labor". He felt that that would likely end in an Emergency C-Section from the inability to deliver such a large baby that is also malpositioned for labor. He still said it was my decision, but after his advice and my gut feeling, I opted for the C-Section. The Doctor left to check the surgery schedule for the week and Jay and I discussed the decision and felt very good about it. He came back in and told us that there weren't any openings this week, but that he would schedule me for Monday, October 5th at 12:00 pm. I was instructed that if I start labor before then, to go straight to L&D and they will call the on-call OB in to go ahead and do the section. Hopefully, he will hang on until Monday so that it isn't a mad rush to get to the hospital and get prepped for surgery.
My Mom will be coming in on Friday the 9th to stay with us for five days. I am excited to see her and so thankful for her help. I know that my recovery will be a little more complicated than it would have been with a vaginal delivery.
Regardless, I will have a baby boy by Monday! I couldn't be more excited. Hopefully the next post will be announcing Grayson Parker's arrival.
Some of you are asking what we still need for the baby, so I wanted to say that at this point it would be great to just have Wal-Mart gift cards for things like diapers/wipes and to help out with groceries. This "one income" thing gets tight! :-)
I hope everyone enjoys their first Fall week! It is SO beautiful out!
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
39 weeks
The waiting continues...

I went for my supposed "last" OB appointment today. They did a final estimated weight with ultrasound that put him at at least 8 lbs 12 oz. The ultrasound tech said she thinks he is every bit of that if not more like 9 lbs. (She is supposed to be the best estimator of all time, ha.)
The doctor I saw today thinks I "look good" for a vaginal delivery because of my cervical changes and the position of the baby. He wants me to wait and see if I go into labor before Tuesday, if I don't then he will schedule the C-Section next week. I am totally OK with all of this. I have to trust the doctors and keep praying for the best thing for the baby and me. Unfortunately, I don't have any more news than that for now! Standby...

I went for my supposed "last" OB appointment today. They did a final estimated weight with ultrasound that put him at at least 8 lbs 12 oz. The ultrasound tech said she thinks he is every bit of that if not more like 9 lbs. (She is supposed to be the best estimator of all time, ha.)
The doctor I saw today thinks I "look good" for a vaginal delivery because of my cervical changes and the position of the baby. He wants me to wait and see if I go into labor before Tuesday, if I don't then he will schedule the C-Section next week. I am totally OK with all of this. I have to trust the doctors and keep praying for the best thing for the baby and me. Unfortunately, I don't have any more news than that for now! Standby...
Monday, September 21, 2009
Anybody have an Ark with an OB staff on it?
Happy Monday! The weather here has been crappy for a while, but today... WOW! It is raining cats and dogs, literally! Well, not literally.
We have four different flood warnings right now. It is insane outside! I am so thankful that I only live a couple miles from the hospital. Still, I can't help but visualize myself birthing my baby in the car while it is stalled out in water somewhere! Our apartments are in a pretty high spot, so we should be just fine...at home at least...
I have an appointment on Wednesday, and I am counting the minutes! We should be scheduling a C-Section that day if all still points that way... (large fetal weight, malposition, lack of progress). I will post again then!
We have four different flood warnings right now. It is insane outside! I am so thankful that I only live a couple miles from the hospital. Still, I can't help but visualize myself birthing my baby in the car while it is stalled out in water somewhere! Our apartments are in a pretty high spot, so we should be just fine...at home at least...
I have an appointment on Wednesday, and I am counting the minutes! We should be scheduling a C-Section that day if all still points that way... (large fetal weight, malposition, lack of progress). I will post again then!
Thursday, September 17, 2009
38 Weeks
I had my 38 week appointment today. If you recall, last week my cervix was high and closed. Today I am 2 cm dilated, 60% effaced and baby is at -1 station. Where as many women will remain this way for weeks without progressing, my midwife said it is promising that the progress happened so quickly. I am hoping to go into labor on my own before my next appointment! If I don't, then I will have my last ultrasound on Wednesday the 23rd to estimate his weight. When it is verified that he is exceptionally large for dates, I will be scheduling a C-Section for either 9/25 or 9/28. Let's hope I go into labor before then!!
I found out OFFICIALLY today, from my Doctor, that as long as nothing changes with the policies between now and then, I WILL be able to have FAMILY ONLY visitors briefly while I am in the hospital. However, absolutely NO ONE under 18 years old, and NO ONE who has been around anyone with flu symptoms of any kind. You will also be screened with questions relating to your health before being allowed in. If you are not immediate family, please plan on coming to see Grayson at home in the coming weeks!Private Blog!
As you have noticed, I have made my blog private. Soon, I will be posting pictures and video of our new baby and I feel more comfortable with that type of thing just being shared with friends and family. Thank you so much for requesting your invitation! I know it is a pain to have to make a Google account, but I am really excited about sharing everything with you all through my blog. xoxo
Monday, September 14, 2009
Katie's Current State of Being
Good Morning. I just ate a fried egg and a cup of yogurt and I find myself in awe of the fact that I am still, in fact, PREGNANT. Here is proof from Saturday night (yes, I know I'm huge):

By the way, I only have about 11 hours left until I reach the 48 hour mark on my Eggplant Labor Induction. My conclusion is that the eggplant definitely causes contractions, but that doesn't necessarily mean labor for all of us. Still, it was a fun test!
This human gestation time is a little ridiculous, but I guess I should be thankful I am not an Elephant. (Although, some may argue that fact.) I slept for a few hours at a time last night, on our HORRIBLE mattress that feels like it's breaking all your bones while you sleep. I got up for the final time at about 8am, angry. I tackled the chore of getting OUT of bed...5 minutes... waddled and stumbled to the bathroom...sat on the toilet and came face to face with a centipede on the wall that was headed straight for me. I was SO tired and it would have taken SO long for me to get up, that I just sat there. Fearless. This is what it looks like, if you haven't seen one:

Needless to say, I murdered him. After that, I put on my "daytime pajamas" and headed to the kitchen for breakfast. Breakfast is now complete and I now plan on boycotting my usual "A Baby Story" episode, in an effort to forget that I am pregnant- so that I will magically go into labor in surprise! Like: "Oh my gosh! I totes forgot I was preggo!"
Yeah, Right.
Realistically, I guess today I will find some more housework to do, make a trip to the Post Office, and yep that's about it.
On another subject...
I went Goodwill Shopping for the first time EVER on Friday! This sounds insane if you have never done it, but I can assure you- it was AWESOME. If you have a retail addiction, like me, and you want a way to channel this energy in a way that is cheap, but still fulfilling- GO TO GOODWILL. Try to find one in a ritzy part of town, where the donors would be, umm, "rich". I seriously bought two pairs of 7 (For All Mankind) jeans, and I SAW lots of other $200 jeans that I would never be able to wear, so I didn't buy them. The jeans are like $4 each. There is so much designer wear that still even has tags that this place is selling right along side Walmart jeans for $4! It's insane. THEN- they have baby clothes. Well, if you are a mom, you can imagine that everything is practically new (if not new) because of the short time that they can wear things. I bought Grayson a small wardrobe of baby designer clothes for $1.50 per item. My favorite buy being a pair of brand new cashmere Baby Banana Republic pants valued at above $60. I'm just saying- if you have a couple hours to pick through everything, and you are trying to save some money, or you just feel like shopping and not spending your whole paycheck- you should REALLY check it out. It was AWESOME! Oh- I also got Jay a few designer button-up shirts too (for $4 a piece).
I hope everyone has a wonderful week, and again, I hope I will have a baby at the end of this one. I will blog my 38 week appointment update on Thursday afternoon. Til then...

By the way, I only have about 11 hours left until I reach the 48 hour mark on my Eggplant Labor Induction. My conclusion is that the eggplant definitely causes contractions, but that doesn't necessarily mean labor for all of us. Still, it was a fun test!
This human gestation time is a little ridiculous, but I guess I should be thankful I am not an Elephant. (Although, some may argue that fact.) I slept for a few hours at a time last night, on our HORRIBLE mattress that feels like it's breaking all your bones while you sleep. I got up for the final time at about 8am, angry. I tackled the chore of getting OUT of bed...5 minutes... waddled and stumbled to the bathroom...sat on the toilet and came face to face with a centipede on the wall that was headed straight for me. I was SO tired and it would have taken SO long for me to get up, that I just sat there. Fearless. This is what it looks like, if you haven't seen one:

Needless to say, I murdered him. After that, I put on my "daytime pajamas" and headed to the kitchen for breakfast. Breakfast is now complete and I now plan on boycotting my usual "A Baby Story" episode, in an effort to forget that I am pregnant- so that I will magically go into labor in surprise! Like: "Oh my gosh! I totes forgot I was preggo!"
Yeah, Right.
Realistically, I guess today I will find some more housework to do, make a trip to the Post Office, and yep that's about it.
On another subject...
I went Goodwill Shopping for the first time EVER on Friday! This sounds insane if you have never done it, but I can assure you- it was AWESOME. If you have a retail addiction, like me, and you want a way to channel this energy in a way that is cheap, but still fulfilling- GO TO GOODWILL. Try to find one in a ritzy part of town, where the donors would be, umm, "rich". I seriously bought two pairs of 7 (For All Mankind) jeans, and I SAW lots of other $200 jeans that I would never be able to wear, so I didn't buy them. The jeans are like $4 each. There is so much designer wear that still even has tags that this place is selling right along side Walmart jeans for $4! It's insane. THEN- they have baby clothes. Well, if you are a mom, you can imagine that everything is practically new (if not new) because of the short time that they can wear things. I bought Grayson a small wardrobe of baby designer clothes for $1.50 per item. My favorite buy being a pair of brand new cashmere Baby Banana Republic pants valued at above $60. I'm just saying- if you have a couple hours to pick through everything, and you are trying to save some money, or you just feel like shopping and not spending your whole paycheck- you should REALLY check it out. It was AWESOME! Oh- I also got Jay a few designer button-up shirts too (for $4 a piece).
I hope everyone has a wonderful week, and again, I hope I will have a baby at the end of this one. I will blog my 38 week appointment update on Thursday afternoon. Til then...
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Eggplant Date Night
Last night, Jay and I decided to go out to dinner for our last date night before baby. Of course, we chose Scalini's in Marietta which is world famous for their "labor inducing Eggplant Parmigiana". They have been featured on Good Morning America and everything else. You can visit their site here: www.scalinis.com/Bambino.htm
We walk in, and I immediately notice all the other pregnant women there, hoping for the same outcome. They guarantee a baby within 48 hours! I am a definite skeptic, but hey- I love eggplant and why not?! So, I ordered the featured dish and forced myself to eat it ALL. It was a bit of a struggle since my stomach has been forced back up into my heart/lungs, but I licked up every bit of that magic sauce. After that, we came home and watched the GA game which put me in a good mood before bed. At about 11pm, I started have uncomfortable Braxton Hicks contractions about every 3-5 minutes! I wouldn't think anything of this, but I have had NO contractions- PERIOD! This regular uterine activity was new for me! So far, I think there is definitely something in the E.P. that is a contraction causing agent- it's up to your body whether or not to take the cue. I am only in my 15th hour, so we will see how it pans out. I am starting to believe in the myth! I have had steady contractions all night and all morning... maybe they will turn into the real thing. Only time will tell!
We walk in, and I immediately notice all the other pregnant women there, hoping for the same outcome. They guarantee a baby within 48 hours! I am a definite skeptic, but hey- I love eggplant and why not?! So, I ordered the featured dish and forced myself to eat it ALL. It was a bit of a struggle since my stomach has been forced back up into my heart/lungs, but I licked up every bit of that magic sauce. After that, we came home and watched the GA game which put me in a good mood before bed. At about 11pm, I started have uncomfortable Braxton Hicks contractions about every 3-5 minutes! I wouldn't think anything of this, but I have had NO contractions- PERIOD! This regular uterine activity was new for me! So far, I think there is definitely something in the E.P. that is a contraction causing agent- it's up to your body whether or not to take the cue. I am only in my 15th hour, so we will see how it pans out. I am starting to believe in the myth! I have had steady contractions all night and all morning... maybe they will turn into the real thing. Only time will tell!

In the meantime, I will do a few things around the house and take a walk around the neighborhood. The weather is cool here!
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Waiting Game
Hello! I just got home from my 37 week OB appointment. I was told that my cervix is still high and closed and just "being soft" doesn't mean I am any closer to delivery, in fact, she was hoping to see some progress over the last week, and there wasn't any. They looked at the ultrasound report from this week and said that "they want to check his size ONE MORE TIME at 38.5 weeks and schedule the C-Section THEN". Ok, so I guess the plan is- If I go into labor before that appointment on 9/23, then I will try for a natural delivery, if not then I should be having a C-Section on 9/25 or 9/28. We will just wait...some more...and see! While I was there today, I gt my flu shot, and their H1N1 vaccines will be in next month, so I will get that one at my postpartum appointment hopefully.
Today I am tired, emotionally drained and sore all over. I think I will go reload on ice cream and/or chocolate to console myself... Oh wait, I can't do that YET! I have to go to Verizon and get a battery for my phone. Awesome.
Today I am tired, emotionally drained and sore all over. I think I will go reload on ice cream and/or chocolate to console myself... Oh wait, I can't do that YET! I have to go to Verizon and get a battery for my phone. Awesome.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Growth Ultrasound 36/37 weeks
I went to the Perinatologist's office today for my last ultrasound to measure Grayson's growth. They have estimated him to be 8 lbs and 1 oz at this point. That can be plus or minus a pound. They couldn't get a great measurement of his head because it is so low in my pelvis, otherwise the estimate may have even been a little larger! Needless to say, this probably means a C/Section in a couple of weeks. When I go to my regular OB appointment this Friday, they will be scheduling me. If I should go into labor before then, they would prep me for a C/Section at the hospital at that time. He's a BIG-UN!
Friday, September 4, 2009
36 weeks
TGIF! I am just getting home from my 36 week OB appointment, and I am blogging quickly before I go enjoy this incredible weather at the pool...
I had my regular blood pressure, weight check and hemoglobin test, plus GBS testing this time, and she did an internal exam. She said that Grayson has dropped ALL the way down, and he couldn't be any more engaged in my pelvis. (No KIDDING.) She said that usually she can still move the head up and down with her fingers at my cervix, and she said his head was "wedged" and wasn't budging! He must be huge if I have dropped, but STILL have a butt in my lungs and killer heartburn. (Isn't that supposed to ease up when you have dropped?!) My cervix is still closed, but is very soft. She said that the "softness" was much more important than dilation at this point, because dilating will come easily if the the cervix is favorable to do so. All the other screenings were normal and fine, and he has a strong heartbeat as usual. Pending the results of the next growth ultrasound (on Tuesday, at the Perinatologist's office) we will begin talks of scheduling a C/Section for 39ish weeks. This will only be if he appears large for dates on the ultrasound. Otherwise, I will be counting down the days, looking for labor signs! He will come when he comes, which will be NO MORE than 3 or 4 weeks. My midwife didn't seem to think I would make it all the way to the C/Section without starting labor anyway. This whole thing may be a little more unpredictable than I had thought! To those of you trying to plan around little Grayson's homecoming: throw away your agenda! It will be a surprise to us all.
All for now, I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday weekend, and I will post again on Tuesday with his....drumroll please...Estimated WEIGHT! :-)
And now, I will conclude with yet another self portrait. Me, today...
I had my regular blood pressure, weight check and hemoglobin test, plus GBS testing this time, and she did an internal exam. She said that Grayson has dropped ALL the way down, and he couldn't be any more engaged in my pelvis. (No KIDDING.) She said that usually she can still move the head up and down with her fingers at my cervix, and she said his head was "wedged" and wasn't budging! He must be huge if I have dropped, but STILL have a butt in my lungs and killer heartburn. (Isn't that supposed to ease up when you have dropped?!) My cervix is still closed, but is very soft. She said that the "softness" was much more important than dilation at this point, because dilating will come easily if the the cervix is favorable to do so. All the other screenings were normal and fine, and he has a strong heartbeat as usual. Pending the results of the next growth ultrasound (on Tuesday, at the Perinatologist's office) we will begin talks of scheduling a C/Section for 39ish weeks. This will only be if he appears large for dates on the ultrasound. Otherwise, I will be counting down the days, looking for labor signs! He will come when he comes, which will be NO MORE than 3 or 4 weeks. My midwife didn't seem to think I would make it all the way to the C/Section without starting labor anyway. This whole thing may be a little more unpredictable than I had thought! To those of you trying to plan around little Grayson's homecoming: throw away your agenda! It will be a surprise to us all.
All for now, I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday weekend, and I will post again on Tuesday with his....drumroll please...Estimated WEIGHT! :-)
And now, I will conclude with yet another self portrait. Me, today...

Thursday, September 3, 2009
I wanted to take a second and share an inspirational prose poem called "Desiderata". You are probably familiar. I just love it so much and every word is so true...
Also, I just finished the book "Your Erroneous Zones" by Dr. Wayne Dyer. It came recommended by my Mom, who has been telling me I should read it for years. Finally I borrowed it from her about a year ago, and just read and finished it within the last week.

Let me just tell you, that it is a life changer! I think we tend to find books that are right for us, at the right time. Dr. Dyer puts it exactly how I understand it and opened me up to a completely new perspective on things. The chapter titles are as follows: 1. First Love, 2. You Don't Need Their Approval, 3. Breaking Free From The Past, 4. The Useless Emotions- Guilt and Worry, 5. Exploring the Unknown, 6. Breaking the Barrier of Convention.
I feel more knowledgeable, and certainly refreshed emotionally after reading this book. It is a very quick read full of nuggets of wisdom, and you can get it on Amazon used and new from about $2. I highly recommend it, and just wanted to share. It's one of those books that makes you think "Wow, if everyone read this book and adjusted their character flaws- it would be a perfect world!"
Go placidly amid the noise and haste,and remember what peace there may be in silence.
As far as possible without surrender be on good terms with all persons.
Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even the dull and the ignorant; they too have their story.
Avoid loud and aggressive persons, they are vexations to the spirit.
If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain and bitter;for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.
Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans.
Keep interested in your own career, however humble; it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.
Exercise caution in your business affairs; for the world is full of trickery.
But let this not blind you to what virtue there is; many persons strive for high ideals; and everywhere life is full of heroism.
Be yourself. Especially, do not feign affection.
Neither be cynical about love; for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment it is as perennial as the grass.
Take kindly the counsel of the years, gracefully surrendering the things of youth.
Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune.
But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings. Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness.
Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself.
You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here.
You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here.
And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.
Therefore be at peace with God, whatever you conceive Him to be, and whatever your labors and aspirations, in the noisy confusion of life keep peace with your soul.
With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams,it is still a beautiful world.
Be cheerful.
Strive to be happy.
-Desiderata (Max Ehrman)
Also, I just finished the book "Your Erroneous Zones" by Dr. Wayne Dyer. It came recommended by my Mom, who has been telling me I should read it for years. Finally I borrowed it from her about a year ago, and just read and finished it within the last week.

Let me just tell you, that it is a life changer! I think we tend to find books that are right for us, at the right time. Dr. Dyer puts it exactly how I understand it and opened me up to a completely new perspective on things. The chapter titles are as follows: 1. First Love, 2. You Don't Need Their Approval, 3. Breaking Free From The Past, 4. The Useless Emotions- Guilt and Worry, 5. Exploring the Unknown, 6. Breaking the Barrier of Convention.
I feel more knowledgeable, and certainly refreshed emotionally after reading this book. It is a very quick read full of nuggets of wisdom, and you can get it on Amazon used and new from about $2. I highly recommend it, and just wanted to share. It's one of those books that makes you think "Wow, if everyone read this book and adjusted their character flaws- it would be a perfect world!"
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
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