I just got home from the American Craft Show with my grandmother, Franca. It was unbelievable to say the least. The sheer talent and individuality and IMAGINATION of these artists, was worth the admission cost. There was one guy, a chairmaker, who had the ultimate product- it looked like this:

You lay the baby down on the bassinet looking side, and you rock on the other side. Of course you put bedding on the little bassinet side. Amazing. Why have I never seen anything like that? I swear if I had $1800 laying around I would get one tomorrow. Franca brought over some potato, spinach and leek soup for us, which I just scarfed down. It was AMAZING Franca, THANK YOU!! I took a nice bath, and now I am in my favorite spot lately- the bed, with the laptop, watching TV. Very productive, I know. Tomorrow I am looking forward to being totally lazy again. (Besides doing laundry and working on the blanket I am crocheting.) The weather here has just been repulsive after it was beautiful last weekend and snowed the weekend before that... So weird.
I have looked at some crib sets for fun- and I thought I would share the styles I am liking! For a girl I liked these...

And for a boy...

Cute huh? I know it is early, but I like to look. Realistically, I only have 6 months to get everything organized, bought, and put away. That isn't very long. We are going to start buying diapers every couple of weeks to stock up. I guess I will go for now. I will depart with the next few dates to look forward to:
3/19- Orthodontist appointment, AKA, one month closer to the removal.
3/24- Beginning of Second Trimester U/S and appointment
4/4- TN to see Madraye and Halle (any ideas on fun things to do in Cleveland?)
4/12- Easter Sunday (I don't know why, but I always love Easter)
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