What a day! I am 12w3d and I had an appointment today to check on things. Mostly my cervical length. I had some cancerous spots on my cervix a couple years ago and had to have a procedure called a LEEP to remove them. This can cause complications including pre-term cervical shortening/dilation. For that reason, I have to have frequent ultrasounds to measure my cervix. Today was my first measuring. It was a little short at 28mm. They want to see me again in 3 weeks to measure again. If it has gotten any shorter, I will have to see a specialist and have a cerclage put in, which is basically stitches to hold my cervix closed until 37 or so weeks. Hopefully it won't come to that so keep me in your thoughts/prayers. Other than that, the baby looks beautiful, measuring exactly to date with a strong heartbeat of 166. Here are some photos and a video of my ultrasound today! Make sure your volume is LOUD so you can hear her gender prediction! She gave a 90% chance of a boy, and her co-workers said she is never wrong. Pay attention to the end part of the video to see the "package". HOWEVER, I am not ruling out pink just yet!!
This is the best profile shot we could get.
You can see from left to right the head-abdomen-legs
This is an illustration of the position the baby is in, in the photo below it. Knees to the chest and fists against the eyes.
AW I love it. Such a cute little boy!! And you were right, he did look huge at first! I wish we lived closer to one another. Ahhh hope I get to see mine tomorrow too, keep your fingers crossed ;)I'll text you when I get done! Love, Dani