Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Awake 21

I skipped a couple days blogging. For shame!

So, Sunday was crazy busy. On top of regular church in the morning, our small group started that afternoon, and then I went to Night of Prayer that night. Church was great, as usual. Small Group was a blast! We brought our kids, and while they played, we met and discussed. The night of prayer was kicking off a church-wide fast that will last for 21 days. We were encouraged to give up things that we usually enjoy (or even abuse), so that we can meditate, pray and read more. Obviously I gave up Facebook on New Years Day, but in addition, I am only drinking water and no other drinks. Yes, that means no coffee! AHH! Oh well, I shall survive. I am fasting food one day a week, and I am reading the book of Proverbs, one chapter a day. Proverbs is a book of wisdom. Nothing is more powerful than wisdom... So far so good! I'm two days in, and I can't TELL you how bad I wanted sweet tea last night...but anyway.

I will conclude this short blog with a few pictures of my sweet boy...


1 comment:

  1. I want to come and hang out in this kitchen.
