I sit here, in my bed, spit up and poop stained sheets, trying to finish a blog with minimal interruption. I can't tell you how many times I have made my way to the computer only to write one sentence and get back up. Either the baby needs me, or I think of something better than blogging to do with my time. This works better. I am in the bed WITH my munchkin, typing this on my Blackberry as an email to myself to be copied and pasted into my blog later on. Be prepared, this one may get wordy to catch you up on the last month.
Things everyone says that has proven to be true:
1. You can't imagine loving something so much.
I look at him and know that I would do anything to make him happy and healthy for the rest of his life and that for the first time, I know a person that I would be willing to give my life for if it meant life for him.
2. They change/grow so fast.
Its so true. He is already 5 weeks old which is wild in itself. As gradually as it happens, I definitely wake up everyday thinking: Wow! He is heavier/longer etc. A week ago he was at 13lbs! I take lots of photos of course, almost every day.
Other things too, like:
sleep when they sleep, accept as much help as you can get, the first week is the most emotional of your life, breastfeeding is hard at first, worry will consume you sometimes, and so much more advice I got and will certainly pass on to other expecting mothers.
He has been gassy/fussy a little on and off along with a rash that comes and goes and I think it is in response to something I am eating. Obviously its very difficult to to pinpoint what it is, so I have taken my diet down to very bland and simple. Other than that, Grayson is a happy, healthy boy. He smiles and makes lots of different faces. He is about 14 pounds now! WOW! He is active when awake and likes to practice pushing up and balancing his head straight and looking around. He can follow an object around with his eyes and he is cooing and vocalizing in other ways. Its so much fun to watch them grow. He sleeps well about every other night, and every other night he stays awake a lot. The sleep deprivation is wearing on me a bit. His schedule will start to form over the next few weeks according to the books. He has officially used a bottle for the first time and did well with that also. We had our first trip to Jesup where he met his great-grandparents and lots more family. He did well despite the constant contact with people and the sweltering heat down there! Last weekend his great grandparents Charlie and Franca came back from Italy and saw him for the first time. We are so glad that they are back! This coming weekend, Kate, Tim and James are coming to stay and meet Grayson. After that will be Thanksgiving, where we are hoping he will meet his GREAT-GREAT grandmother for the first time. I am excited. From now to the end of the year is just going to fly by. I am already dreading the thought of going back to work and being without him soon. He is my little best friend. We listen to Christmas music while Mommy cleans the house and we take naps and play and take walks outside. I wouldn't have it any other way, he is such a blessing. I am doing much better as well. I had my final post-partum appointment yesterday and it went well. I have been deemed "recovered". Hooray for that! Ha. I started today with some Yoga, and I feel better already. I am looking forward to exercising more and losing about 30-40 more pounds. I kind of have to, or else I have no wardrobe. I am exhausted and I definitely look like a mess, but I know it will get better soon enough...
Well, it's time to go for now. I promise to be better about blogging as I am finally getting used to how the days will go. Here are some photos from the last month...

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