Happy Independence Day! It has been such a beautiful weekend here! Virtually NO humidity and a high of about 88 degrees. I spent yesterday at the pool, doing errands and cleaning the house. My brother Josh is on leave from the Navy and came home last week, so he and my Daddy came up yesterday afternoon and spent the night with us! What an AWESOME surprise! We absolutely had a blast last night sitting around talking and visiting (and eating...). GrandDad and Franca came over too. They left this morning and Jay and I went to the square to check out the Fourth of July festivities going on there. They had craft booths, food, music and games. It was fun. We stayed a little while, ate some roasted corn, and then came home when sweat started dripping down my legs. (The joys of pregnancy) My only complaint: all the ADORABLE crafters that made little baby things, ONLY had girl stuff! Come on people, boys want to be chic too!
We plan on relaxing the rest of the weekend, as the month ahead of us is going to be busy! I have appointments every two weeks now, along with a million other things to keep us busy this month. This week we are touring Labor and Delivery, asking all our questions and finding out where to even park! We are not familiar with the hospital here at all. AND we are having our 3D ultrasound as well! Very exciting times for us. We are really gearing up to bring this little guy home, and we just can't wait. He is going to be one LOVED baby boy. My back aches, my pelvis aches and I can't sleep, but hopefully only 2 1/2 months to go. Then it's P90X here I come! On a side note, my LAST braces adjustment is this week and then they come OFF next month!! I can't believe it! It has been two years and tons of money put into this. I am counting down the days!

Me and Jay this morning

26/27 weeks
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