Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Rainy Day

I am home, sick today. Nosebleeds galore, which aren't great for your image if you work Front Desk at a Doctor's office. So, I am watching Baby Story, writing more Thank You notes (the sweet gifts keep coming!), doing some light housework and packing my cute new duffel for my hospital stay! I ordered it a while back and I got it in the mail yesterday. I just love it, and it matches Grayson's diaper bag...

We have had a great week, overall, so far. We reconnected with some family on Jay's side, took an impromptu trip to a Tori Amos concert and got some great news about Grayson's earlier arrival! We are so happy and blessed with our life and just being together. Blessings to you!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Perinatologist Appointment

I have been looking forward to today's appointment with the specialist because we all had a sneaking suspicion that baby G is a big boy. According to the fetal growth chart, a baby should weigh 2.91 lbs at 30 weeks.
...*drumroll please*...
Grayson was measured today by ultrasound and his femural length, humerus length, head circumference AND abdominal circumference all measured at 34 weeks. They estimated his weight at 4lbs 6oz. WOW! This means I will be having an early-mid September baby. Thank goodness I have everything ready!!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

30 weeks

I just got home from my 30 week appointment. Still, relatively uneventful. Iron, Blood Pressure and weight are good. My fundal height is measuring two weeks ahead. I go to the Perinatologist on Tuesday and they will do an accurate measurement and weight estimate of the baby. This will give me a better idea of when he is coming! The only things that have changed for me in the last 2 weeks are the new nosebleeds, stretch marks and continued pelvic pain. Here is my 30 week view:

Have a good weekend :-)

The Unveiling

Today is the day! After two years of looking twelve and enduring mouth pain...The braces are off! Take a look at the before and after...

I didn't realize how bad they were until now... I am so happy with my new smile. My gums will be swollen for a bit, pregnancy doesn't help with that either! I will be in retainers 24/7 for 3 months, then nights only! It was all worth it.

And Grayson's going home outfit came yesterday! I just love it...

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Baby Shower weekend

I am taking a break from washing baby clothes to blog about my fabulous weekend. Jay and I had a baby shower on Saturday in Brunswick and it couldn't have been any better! We got to visit with our family and friends and Grayson scored some amazing stuff! Then, we went to Beaufort for the night and stayed with Kate and Tim. Kate, Alexia and I ate dinner at my favorite place and it was wonderful. This morning, Kate treated me to a prenatal massage at the spa where she works. I feel so overwhelmed with blessings after this weekend. I am so excited to introduce Grayson to all of these people that are so excited to meet him and ready to smother him with hugs and kisses. Below are some of my favorite pictures from the weekend.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Tuesday Humor

This pretty much sums it up.

And FYI: Publix brand Peach frozen yogurt is the best thing IN the world.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

What They Don't Tell You

SO. It is 6:55 am and I have been up all night sporadically, and up for good at 5:00. I guess the walking from yesterday REALLY bothered my SPD and it was very difficult to sleep. I had horrible grinding pain in my pelvis every time I moved my body at all in the night. I can't remember if I explained what SPD is, so I will do that quickly.

Three large bones constitute an adult’s pelvic girdle, a roughly heart shaped arrangement of bones attached to one another by sturdy ligaments. The three bones are the sacrum, or base of the spine, at either side of this, and connected via the sacro-iliac joints, are two large isometric bones known as the ossa coxae or hip bones. These bones are then connected at the front by a ligament called the symphysis pubis.

Under normal circumstances the ligaments involved in the girdle are not very flexible, but when a woman is pregnant she will produce a hormone known as relaxin which softens them to allow some pelvic movement for the birth. Although there is no universal agreement on the cause of pelvic pain in pregnancy, there are some that believe this hormone to be at the root of it. Difficulties can occur when the ligaments become too loose too soon, and pelvic problems can arise at a time when a woman needs the support of her pelvis more than ever due to her extra load.

Pain in the groin and pubic area, whatever the cause, is usually related to the pelvis not functioning like it should, and is referred to as Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction (SPD). The problem is not necessarily with the symphysis pubis itself, it can often be either or both of the sacro-iliac joints putting undue strain upon it.


Pain and tenderness in the area of the symphysis pubis joint can often be accompanied by pain in the hips, lower abdomen and groin. Sometimes the pain can also manifest itself in the inner thighs and in one or both buttocks. Walking and other activities exacerbate the pain. Standing on one leg can be virtually impossible, so activities that rely on this to some degree will increase the pain. Climbing stairs, getting dressed and getting in and out of cars or the bath all involve the use of one leg at a time. Women can also experience pain while trying to move in bed, lifting things, sitting down and getting up. They may also have pain if they try to spread their legs past a certain point. Sometimes there can be a clicking during hip movement felt or even heard. A tendency to shuffle along or waddle may develop as women try to distribute their weight evenly.

(best explanation out of all of them)

More or less, I noticed I had a problem at about 20 weeks. As time goes by and the baby gets bigger and puts more pressure on my pelvis, it gets worse. I have had such a need to walk and stay active, but it seems that the more active I am, the more I pay for it with my pelvis! Some women end up on crutches towards the end of their pregnancy and it even prevents some women from being able to labor naturally because of the permanent damage it can cause to the already dysfunctional symphysis pubis. Hopefully I won't be one of those women. Needless to say, last night was horrible. Finally at about 5:00 am, I had a warm stream of fluid coming out of my nose and I just knew it was blood for some reason. I touched my hand to my face and could see that it was in fact, blood. I reached for a pair of PJ pants at the foot of the bed and held it to my face. I was immediately met with excrutiating pain in my pelvis that made my hair stand on end. I couldn't even move to get out of the bed to get a towel for my nose! After abou ten minutes of struggling, grunting and almost crying; I got out of the bed and "clicked" and waddled my way to the bathroom to get tissue. At this point, I had bled pretty heavily all over the PJ pants and was starting to get panicky because of the large clots that were coming out of my nose and the enormous amount of blood (it seemed to be). Well, it bled pretty heavily for about 20 or 30 minutes, and after applying pressure for that long, it finally stopped. I guess purchasing a humidifier should be in my more immediate future. Even in my MORE immediate future, a NAP to make up for last night. UGGH. Pregnancy has not been very beautiful and magical for me so far... thank goodness the reward will outweigh the journey.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Sneak Peek

Today was our big 28 week 3D ultrasound at a fabulous little baby boutique in Marietta called Nestled Newborn. We got some great shots of the baby today! The Tech/Boutique Owner said that we got really lucky with the way he cooperated for us. She really liked a couple of the images and blew them up for her storefront window. (I am a proud mama already, if you can't tell!) There are more images on Facebook. Here are some of our favorites...

If you are in the metro Atlanta area, I highly recommend them. It was such a pleasant environment and exciting experience. Their website is:
In other good news, the waiting game for him to flip into a vertex (head down) position is over! He has officially turned and is no longer breech. It was a great day, all in all! After the ultrasound we went to The Avenue and walked around for a while. We will see tomorrow how badly that irritated my SPD...
Enjoy the photos!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


This is how I feel today: tired, swollen, agitated, antisocial, sore... It is an extremely slow day at work too, which doesn't help my somber outlook of the day. I am usually chatty and social, and the last couple of days I have just really wanted to take a social hiatus from my phone, my computer, EVERYTHING. Oh well, I am choosing to press on and make myself be positive. Jay sent me a text that said "It's 7/8/9, make it a 10! I love you so much!" and at first I thought that he is such a dork, then I realized that sometimes that is all it takes for me to "turn my frown upside down". I have a lot to be thankful for and a lot look forward to, the third trimester of pregnancy just isn't my cup of tea, as it turns out. In the mean time, I have been addicted to where crafters sell their products. My friend Brandi actually bought Grayson some crocheted brown loafers on there.
They are so sweet! There are SO many adorable baby things on there, and for GREAT prices. It actually makes me want to craft more in my spare time. My next project is actually going to be a custom hospital gown for my hospital stay. I wanted to buy one, but they are all SO expensive, so I am going to buy some cute fabric and make two hospital gowns from a pattern I got online. I am super excited about this and I will post pictures as soon as I finish it. Who knows, maybe it will be a hit and I can make it my little side business. This should be a fun but busy next few days for me, so I will blog in length again Sunday to catch you up, with photos. I should have some more news from our day to day lives by then. Adios!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Busy Bees!

Happy Independence Day! It has been such a beautiful weekend here! Virtually NO humidity and a high of about 88 degrees. I spent yesterday at the pool, doing errands and cleaning the house. My brother Josh is on leave from the Navy and came home last week, so he and my Daddy came up yesterday afternoon and spent the night with us! What an AWESOME surprise! We absolutely had a blast last night sitting around talking and visiting (and eating...). GrandDad and Franca came over too. They left this morning and Jay and I went to the square to check out the Fourth of July festivities going on there. They had craft booths, food, music and games. It was fun. We stayed a little while, ate some roasted corn, and then came home when sweat started dripping down my legs. (The joys of pregnancy) My only complaint: all the ADORABLE crafters that made little baby things, ONLY had girl stuff! Come on people, boys want to be chic too!
We plan on relaxing the rest of the weekend, as the month ahead of us is going to be busy! I have appointments every two weeks now, along with a million other things to keep us busy this month. This week we are touring Labor and Delivery, asking all our questions and finding out where to even park! We are not familiar with the hospital here at all. AND we are having our 3D ultrasound as well! Very exciting times for us. We are really gearing up to bring this little guy home, and we just can't wait. He is going to be one LOVED baby boy. My back aches, my pelvis aches and I can't sleep, but hopefully only 2 1/2 months to go. Then it's P90X here I come! On a side note, my LAST braces adjustment is this week and then they come OFF next month!! I can't believe it! It has been two years and tons of money put into this. I am counting down the days!

Me and Jay this morning

26/27 weeks