Saturday I stayed in the sun and ventured to Motherhood Maternity for some stylish maternity shorts and ended up in Baby GAP as well. I couldn't help it! Sunday, I made Fathers Day brunch and had Granddad and Franca over as well. Then we all ventured to the pool and ate some more after that. My kind of day. I have such a wonderful Daddy and I just feel so blessed that I was raised by such a wonderful man and that I can also have a friendship with him as an adult. He is going to be a super Pawpaw!

And if that isn't enough, I also happened to be married to the other best dad in the world! Jay loves his two fabulous daughters more than anything, and he works hard to prove that on a daily basis. I am unbelievably lucky to be able to call him the father of my child.

Happy Fathers Day to both of you and all the other Daddies out there, including all my step-dad and my two grandfathers.
I am in my 26th week now!

I have my next doctor's appointment on Friday, and then it is time for the dreaded Gestational Diabetes Testing. Hopefully I will pass! It is so crazy how fast the time is passing. I have a shower coming up in Brunswick on the 18th of July and I am SO excited to see everyone. If you haven't gotten an invitation yet, it is because none have gone out by mail yet, but I would love to see you there! It will be a drop-in deal at Spankys Marshside on 7/18 from 2-4 pm. Jay will be there too, so come see us! I am hoping that we will get to bring Madraye and Halle down with us, but we will see. Here is the invitation:

Just as an FYI- my mom made it out of surgery and is going great at home now, thanks to everyone for the thoughts and prayers. July will be a busy month for us, full of appointments of all sorts and traveling. I will try to keep the blogging current! Peace and Love...
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