So, I'm in the kitchen last night about to make dinner, and I have this sudden blinding pain in my right flank, as if I got hit with a baseball bat. I started sweating and fell on to the couch. Through shallow breaths I told Jay I needed to go to the Emergency Room. To the E.R. we went! They did blood work, urine testing, put my on an IV and did a Renal Ultrasound. They determined that I did in fact have kidney stone(s). Nothing they can do for it, I just have to wait it out. They gave me a prescription for pain medicine should I have another "attack".
They checked on Grayson while we were there and he is fine! He was partying in my tummy while I was dying from the flank pain. :-)
He has a pretty regular sleep/wake schedule. He is awake right now and punching around in there. Plans this weekend are: movie night tomorrow and Jay's birthday lunch at GDad and Franca's on Sunday. Here are some photos from the last week.
The diaper bag on my wish list! Vera Bradley, Bali Blue, Baby Bag

Franca in the Survivors Lap in Relay for Life

Cutest little Ralph Lauren bodysuit ever!

Me at 19 weeks

Cute Vera Bradley diaper bag, cute Ralph Lauren bodysuit, and cute belly pictures! Hope you get well soon! -Dani