Monday, August 29, 2011

Monday, August 22, 2011

New Photos

Me and my monster...

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Photographic Evidence

Low quality camera pics, and a video!

Being Silly on the Floor

4th of July Fireworks with Kenny

That can't be comfortable!!

He can say his name!! Haha...

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Dog Days

Happy Thursday!

I just felt like some random thought purging...

First of all, is anyone else sick of the heat? It is really making me depressed! Normally the winter makes me tired and down, but this heat is about to do me in. OVER IT. I am more than ready for football Saturdays, grilling out, sweaters and scarfs and hot cider. Bring on the FALL! Not to mention, I am planning a certain toddler's 2nd Birthday Party and I am hoping we all won't drown in our own sweat while cutting cake. Speaking of which, he's really into Dinosaurs, so I am thinking a Dinosaur theme would be easy and fun. His GiGi (my Mom) is supposed to be helping me drag this whole idea together, so stay tuned for evidence of the outcome. We should be doing it the first weekend in October! I'm thinking I will do a blog soon called "Birthday on a Budget". I'm always impressed with my ability to party-plan with little to no funds. Maybe it will help someone reading with their next event!

I wish my recent blog posts weren't so painfully boring and "wordy". I normally brighten them up with recent photos, but I have eliminated home internet to cut costs, so I have no way to upload photos without a laptop. I have managed to get a few from my phone, so I will post some soon from there.

School started here today, that doesn't mean much except that all the usual activities in "regular" life are starting back up! Ambassador program, Brunswick Jr. Womens Club, and United Way meetings and events are back in full swing. My small group resumes meeting this weekend, and I'm also looking forward to getting involved in some more things with my church. It's busy for me, but I really enjoy being involved in our community and doing anything to better myself! I really miss running and races, so the next thing on my list will be getting back in the gym and registering for a few.

In Mommy world, Grayson is a little comedian. He is so much fun and says the most hilarious things. this morning he said "Mommy is pwetty". I could have died. He is also potty-training, so he congratulates me and anyone else who uses the bathroom in our house "(insert name) went peepee potty! YAYYYY!". He says "I finished" and puts his plate in the sink after his meals. He swims a little with swimmies on. (I think he's better at it when he's at his Daddy's house...) He loves to call people on the phone and talk. He still goes to bed at 7:30ish and sleeps 12 hours a night. I am really blessed to be his mom. I wish I had more time with him...