Thursday, November 18, 2010

'Tis the Season


Is Thanksgiving SERIOUSLY next week?! What. The. Heck. Christmas is sneaking up quickly! I am totally ahead of the game though. I decorated last week, and I plan to have Christmas Shopping done by next week. That's right.

Everything is going swimmingly here. I have to say that I am probably the happiest and most content I have ever been! My home is comfy, work is fabulous, my friends and family are phenomenal as usual, and my Grayson is my little hero.

I just finished a 7 week class at the church- "Effective Parenting in a Defective World", and it was amazing. Not only was the teaching awesome, but we truly made several bonds with each other as parents. Luckily, we were able to form a small group out of some of us in the class. SO excited about it :-)

Here are a few favorites of recent photos...
Parenting Class

Chelle, Seth and Me

The waves were a little loud for him... :-)

My sweetie!