Sunday, February 21, 2010

Grayson at 4 months

It has been awhile since my last posting. I wonder if anyone reads this anymore? Oh well. If nothing else, it kind of serves as my online journal. It is already fun to look back at my pregnancy postings.

We are well in the Hightower house. We have a growing boy that changes every day. He gets frustrated a lot because he wishes he was mobile, but when he tries to be, he can't quite make it happen. So for now, he sort of "circuit trains" in the living room to keep busy. He lays on the floor and "practice" crawls (scoots, or "worms" as I coined it the other day), plays in his exersaucer, sits in his Bumbo, reclines in his Bouncy Seat, or hangs out with Mommy in the Baby Bjorn. We rotate through these things pretty frequently, because he quickly gets bored. You can imagine that housework is usually on the back burner! I have to confess that he watches some TV. I feel like that is grounds to be investigated by DFCS sometimes. I have extreme guilt about it! He is so entertained by the colors and shapes that they use, so I let him watch. Go ahead, report me, but I feel better now that I came clean. Ha. Besides his physical activity, he is laughing, growling, blowing bubbles, and trying to talk so hard! He has so many different moods and personality attributes. There is never a dull moment when raising a baby. That's for SURE. This week I have to go through and clean out more of his "too small" for more. He is in 9 month clothes. Yep.

Jay is doing well in school. He made an "A" on his first Math test, so I am very proud of him. He changed his major to Business Administration. I think his projected graduation date will be in 2012.

I am working two days a week for Dr. Imhoff still, and loving what I do there as always. With the rest of my time, I am working with Little Wing Photography as an apprentice. In between work, photography, mommy-ing and wife-ing, I barely get my hair blow-dried these days.

Saturday, February 20, 2010